Written by Joanne Pistorius, Gasparilla Concours d'Elegance
We love a good car show! We attend dozens each year, and many car enthusiasts know the difference between a car show and a Concours d'Elegance. Unfortunately, for those who do not know the difference, they can be misled into attending a car show that promotes itself as a Concours d'Elegance just to divert and mislead attendees, participants, sponsors and advertisers for the purpose of making profit. Profit is good, but it is not the motivating factor at a Concours d'Elegance.
The Gasparilla Concours d'Elegance is the only true Concours d'Elegance in the Tampa Bay Area.
What you will find as the major differences between a car show and a Concours d'Elegance include:
1. A charitable foundation, an IRS 501c3 recognized Non-Profit Organization, with a stated purpose to aid those in need. Those without may just be pocketing your contributions without your knowledge. The proof of donation to charity, and the amount, should be disclosed to the public. GCDE is a registered 501c3.
2. A substantial volunteer base. Most organizations require 100-300 volunteers to put on a proper Concours d'Elegance. GCDE has 150+ volunteers.
3. A Board of Directors who oversee the organization, the financial propriety, and the overall good business practices of the Concours d'Elegance. GCDE has a sizable BOD of experts that range in professional occupations of accounting, legal, entrepreneurs and car collectors.
4. A system of selection that is truly motivated by experts who form a Committee that evaluates and choose the field based on originality, historical importance, and rareness. Car shows are great to find cars of all sorts, including modified vehicles, but that is not what a Concours d'Elegance focuses on.
5. Quality is king. You expect a beautifully bound commemorative color Program, keepsake signage that shares the history of the vehicle, art components, multi day events, exceptional food and beverage offerings, live entertainment, exquisite awards, Red Carpet Awards Ceremony, a knowledgeable and professional Master of Ceremony, VIP's and Celebrities, a beautiful venue, such as golf courses, parks and airports with waterfront views. All these qualities add up to a substantial investment in producing a Concours d'Elegance, for the enjoyment of all involved.
6. Marketing and Capital. A Concours generally requires far more capital to produce, and the budget is well into the six figure mark. Professionally produced commercials on network television, radio, social media, print advertising. This allows the event to produce the results the attendees, participants and sponsors come to expect.
We hope you are able to visit many true Concours d'Elegances throughout the country, and the world. It is a truly unique experience.